samtools rmdup -s tmp.sorted.bam tmp.rmdup.bam
[bam_rmdupse_core] 25 / 53 = 0.4717 in library
samtools rmdup 的官方说明书见: http://www.htslib.org/doc/samtools.html
samtools rmdup [-sS] <input.srt.bam> <out.bam>
只需要开始-s的标签, 就可以对单端测序进行去除PCR重复。其实对单端测序去除PCR重复很简单的~,因为比对flag情况只有0,4,16,只需要它们比对到染色体的起始终止坐标一致即可,flag很容易一致。但是对于双端测序就有点复杂了~
Remove potential PCR duplicates: if multiple read pairs have identical external coordinates, only retain the pair with highest mapping quality. In the paired-end mode, this command ONLY works with FR orientation and requires ISIZE is correctly set. It does not work for unpaired reads (e.g. two ends mapped to different chromosomes or orphan reads).
samtools rmdup tmp.sorted.bam tmp.rmdup.bam
[bam_rmdup_core] processing reference chr10...
[bam_rmdup_core] 2 / 12 = 0.1667 in library


这样的话,双端测序数据,用samtools rmdup效果就很差,所以很多人建议用picard工具的MarkDuplicates 功能~~~
The optimal solution depends on many factors - the consensus seems to be the the picard markduplicates could be the best current solution.
The appropriateness of duplicate removal depends on coverage - one would want to only remove artificial duplicates and keep the natural duplicates.
MarkDuplicates is "more correct" in the strict sense. Rmdup is more efficient simply because it does handle those tough cases. Rmdup works for single-end, too, but it cannot do paired-end and single-end at the same time. It does not work properly for mate-pair reads if read lengths are different.