来源:Genome-wide Mapping of HATs and HDACs Reveals Distinct Functions in Active and Inactive Genes
A. Profiles of HATs binding across 5’ gene ends, 3’ gene ends and gene body regions of the 1000 most active, intermediately active and least active genes were examined using ChIP-Seq.txStart: transcription start site. txEnd: transcription end site.
B. Profiles of HATs binding across intergenic (5kb away from any gene) or promoter (defined
as +/− 1kb surrounding TSS) DNase HS sites. DNase HS sites were obtained from (Boyle et
al., 2008).
作者做了5个HATs基因的CHIP-seq数据,根据上面的图,可以把它们分成3组,分别是CBP and p300,PCAF (p300/CBP associated factor) and GCN5,MOF and Tip60,它们虽然都是蛋白质的乙酰化酶,但是它们的CHIP-seq数据表现不一致,仔细看上图就明白了。为什么不一致,就需要解释,解释就需要有生物学背景,比如CBP and p300结构上高度同源,前人研究也表明主要是参与转录起始。而PCAF (p300/CBP associated factor) and GCN5是另外一组的高度同源,前人研究参与转录延伸。最后的MOF and Tip60是MYST family of HATs,跟上面的HATs不大一样,前人研究表明它们参与的功能特别多样性,所以在基因上面的结合密度跟其它不一样。最后再扯一扯它们在其它物种的功能如何如何,跟人类比较一下如何如何。再找几个已有的CHIP-seq数据交叉验证一下,再说一下自己也做实验随机验证了一些,因为高通量测序毕竟不是金标准。

C. Correlation between HAT binding and gene expression levels. Genes were grouped to 100
gene (one dot in the figure) sets according to expression level. The HAT binding level in
promoter region was calculated for the same 100 gene sets. The y-axis indicates the HAT
binding level and the x-axis indicates the expression level.
D. Correlation between HAT binding and RNA Pol II binding levels among the 100 gene sets
grouped according to expression levels as defined in panel C. The y-axis indicates the HAT
binding level and the x-axis indicates the Pol II level.
E. Correlation between HAT binding and histone acetylation levels among the 100 gene sets
grouped according to expression levels as defined in panel C. The acetylation level was
calculated by pooling all reads for 18 histone acetylations mapped previously (Wang et al.,
2008). The y-axis indicates the HAT binding level and the x-axis indicates the acetylation level.

A. Distribution profiles of HDAC6, Tip60, Pol II and H3K36me3 across the active genes were
plotted. The left y-axis indicates tag densities for HDAC6, Tip60 and Pol II. The right axis
indicates tag densities for H3K36me3.