Universal Human Reference RNA 似乎是agilent公司的,包含了10个不同的人类细胞系!roadmap对这些样本测了RNA-seq,我以后课题可能会用得着。
E000 Universal_Human_Reference E003 H1_Cell_Line E004 H1_BMP4_Derived_Mesendoderm_Cultured_Cells E005 H1_BMP4_Derived_Trophoblast_Cultured_Cells E006 H1_Derived_Mesenchymal_Stem_Cells E007 H1_Derived_Neuronal_Progenitor_Cultured_Cells E011 hESC_Derived_CD184+_Endoderm_Cultured_Cells E012 hESC_Derived_CD56+_Ectoderm_Cultured_Cells E013 hESC_Derived_CD56+_Mesoderm_Cultured_Cells E016 HUES64_Cell_Line E024 4star E027 Breast_Myoepithelial_Cells E028 Breast_vHMEC E037 CD4_Memory_Primary_Cells E038 CD4_Naive_Primary_Cells E047 CD8_Naive_Primary_Cells E050 Mobilized_CD34_Primary_Cells_Female E053 Neurosphere_Cultured_Cells_Cortex_Derived E054 Neurosphere_Cultured_Cells_Ganglionic_Eminence_Derived E055 Penis_Foreskin_Fibroblast_Primary_Cells_skin01 E056 Penis_Foreskin_Fibroblast_Primary_Cells_skin02 E057 Penis_Foreskin_Keratinocyte_Primary_Cells_skin02 E058 Penis_Foreskin_Keratinocyte_Primary_Cells_skin03 E059 Penis_Foreskin_Melanocyte_Primary_Cells_skin01 E061 Penis_Foreskin_Melanocyte_Primary_Cells_skin03 E062 Peripheral_Blood_Mononuclear_Primary_Cells E065 Aorta E066 Adult_Liver E070 Brain_Germinal_Matrix E071 Brain_Hippocampus_Middle E079 Esophagus E082 Fetal_Brain_Female E084 Fetal_Intestine_Large E085 Fetal_Intestine_Small E087 Pancreatic_Islets E094 Gastric E095 Left_Ventricle E096 Lung E097 Ovary E098 Pancreas E100 Psoas_Muscle E104 Right_Atrium E105 Right_Ventricle E106 Sigmoid_Colon E109 Small_Intestine E112 Thymus E113 Spleen E114 A549 E116 GM12878 E117 HELA E118 HEPG2 E119 HMEC E120 HSMM E122 HUVEC E123 K562 E127 NHEK E128 NHLF
Expression quantification
Data format: Tab-delimited matrix
- Download URL:
http://egg2.wustl.edu/roadmap/data/byDataType/rna/expression/ - EG.name.txt:is the header file containing order and names of epigenomes (columns) in the expression matrices listed below. The EG names and the RNA seq quantification include an E000 sample representing a Universal Human Reference RNA sample (HUR). Agilent's Universal Human Reference RNA is composed of total RNA from 10 human cell lines. The reference RNA is designed to be used as a reference for expression profiling experiments. Since RNA species differ in abundance between cell lines, an ideal reference sample should represent these different RNAs. Equal quantities of DNase-treated total RNA from each cell line were pooled to make the Universal Human Reference RNA. Stratagene also supplies a QPCR Human Reference Total RNA, suitable for QRT-PCR, which has undergone further DNase treatment. Further details are available at
http://www.genomics.agilent.com/article.jsp?pageId=1452&_requestid=2183245 and
http://www.chem.agilent.com/library/usermanuals/public/740000.pdf - Ensembl_v65.Gencode_v10.ENSG.gene_info: details and annotations for the ENSEMBL ids in the expression matrices
- 57epigenomes.RPKM.pc: RPKM expression matrix for protein coding genes
- 57epigenomes.N.pc: RNA-seq read counts matrix for protein coding genes
- 57epigenomes.RPKM.nc: RPKM expression matrix for non-coding RNAs
- 57epigenomes.N.nc: RNA-seq read counts matrix for non-coding RNAs
- 57epigenomes.exon.RPKM.pc: RPKM expression matrix for protein coding exons
- 57epigenomes.exon.N.pc: RNA-seq read counts matrix for protein coding exons
- 57epigenomes.RPKM.intronic.pc: RNA-seq read count matrix for intronic protein-coding RNA elements
- 57epigenomes.N.intronic.pc: RNA-seq read count matrix for intronic protein-coding RNA elements
- 57epigenomes.N.rb: RNA-seq read counts matrix for ribosomal genes
- 57epigenomes.RPKM.rb: RPKM expression matrix for ribosomal RNAs
- 57epigenomes.exn.RPKM.rb: RPKM expression matrix for ribosomal gene exons
- 57epigenomes.exn.N.rb: RNA-seq read counts matrix for ribosomal gene exons
RNA-seq signal tracks
Data format: BIGWIG
- Normalized coverage (stranded libraries have two tracks per library for + and - strand with - strand track having negative values):