单细胞转录组探索小鼠乳腺发育 -(2019年8月份)第30周(总第78周 )

2017两篇文章陆续发表在nature communication杂志,都是关于小鼠乳腺发育的,所以一起解读
首先是发表于2017年9月的NC,文章是;Construction of developmental lineage relationships in the mouse mammary gland by single-cell RNA profiling 系统性的跟踪检测了小鼠epithelial cells 的各种时期的单细胞转录组



  • an inner layer of luminal cells that surround the lumen
  • an outer layer of myoepithelial cells that lie in a basal position adjacent to the basement membrane.
    作者系统性的跟踪检测了小鼠epithelial cells 的各种时期的单细胞转录组情况:Here we present comprehensive single-cell transcriptomes of epithelial cells in the post-natal mouse mammary gland at different developmental stages spanning pre-puberty, puberty, adulthood and pregnancy, as well as at different points of the estrus cycle.
    我看到另外一篇文章(Cell Rep. 2016 Nov 15;) 提到正常的成年人的mammary gland 是由双层上皮细胞组成:
  • Bipotent and myoepithelial progenitors are prominent and unique components of the outer (basal) layer.
  • The inner (luminal) layer includes both luminal-restricted progenitors and a phenotypically separable fraction that lacks progenitor activity.
    简而言之,外层是basal,内层是luminal。其中luminal还可以细分成两类。作者就研究了这3类细胞,再加上 stromal cells, 总共4类细胞。 后面发表于2018年的《Nature Communications》的单细胞转录组研究“Profiling human breast epithelial cells using single cell RNA sequencing identifies cell diversity” 就说明了这一点。



  • the 10X Genomics Chromium System for large-scale analyses
  • the Fluidigm C1 platform for high-resolution sequencing.
    数据都在NCBI的GEO里面:GSE98131 (C1 data) and GSE103275 (10X data).


    测序的细胞数量如下,mammary gland 的3个发育时期共460个细胞,如下:

  • pre-puberty (2 weeks; red)
  • puberty (5 weeks; green, with TEBs in dark green)
  • adulthood (10 weeks; black).
    这里面是混合了luminal和basal细胞系的,但是作者又单独使用C1平台针对10周的成年小鼠分别测了76个 purified luminal cells 和145个basal单细胞转录组数据。


    总共6个样本, 都在 GSE103275
    | GSM2510616 | Adult basal cells |
    | —————————————————————————————— | ————————————— |
    | GSM2510617 | Adult epithelial cells |
    | GSM2759554 | Puberty epithelial cells_1 |
    | GSM2759555 | Puberty epithelial cells_2 |
    | GSM2759556 | Adult diestrus epithelial cells |
    | GSM2759557 | Adult estrus epithelial cells |

  • GSE95430 Single cell RNA-seq of eight thousand epithelium cells from the mammary glands of adult mice
  • GSE103272 Single cell RNA-seq of ten-thousand epithelium cells from the mammary glands of mice in puberty, estrus and diestrus phases


    还有一篇发表于2017年10月的NC文章:Differentiation dynamics of mammary epithelial cells revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing 也是做了类似的工作,用单细胞转录组测序来探索小鼠的乳腺发育情况,包括了4个发育阶段:

  • nulliparous (NP) 未怀孕时期
  • day 14.5 gestation (G) 妊娠期第14.5天
  • day 6 lactation (L) 哺乳期第6天
  • 11 days post natural involution (PI) 完全自然退化期第11天

    选取四个时间点:NP、G、L和PI,每个时间点取两只小鼠,利用上皮特异性粘附分子(EpCAM)分选MECs。使用10× Chromium platform做单细胞转录组测序,共测量了23184个单细胞(相当于每个样本只有3千个单细胞,可能是早期10X实验质量不怎么样),分成15个cluster,测序情况是:an average of 6175 unique transcripts and 2118 genes detected from 25,010 cells (4223 in NP, 5826 in G, 9319 in L and 5642 in P) ,虽然细胞数量捕获不多,但是平均基因检测数量及测序深度还好。


    basal marker Krt5 and the luminal marker Krt18

    全文集中在数据处理阶段,数据分布在 GEO (GSE106273)
    还制作了一个shiny网页帮助科学家探索其数据: http://marionilab.cruk.cam.ac.uk/mammaryGland.
    Code is available online at https://github.com/MarioniLab/MammaryGland.

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