我注意到2019年,有两个肺癌队列多组学发布,挺有意思的。其实肺癌一直是全球发病率最高的癌症,而 2020 年最新数据显示,乳腺癌新增人数达 226 万,肺癌为 220 万,乳腺癌正式取代肺癌,成为全球第一大癌症。不知道未来会不会出现好几个单位同一时间发布不同的乳腺癌单细胞数据集呢?
首先是吴一龙 CHOICE 队列
我全文检索,居然没有看到 CHOICE 是什么的简称,有意思哦,希望有知道的小伙伴留言告诉我一下哈!
发表在:Nat Commun. 2019 Apr,文章标题是《Comprehensive genomic and immunological characterization of Chinese non-small cell lung cancer patients》。
非小细胞肺癌的鳞癌和腺癌都有,总共245个患者,命名为 CHOICE 队列。
The VCF files of Exome-seq data have been deposited to the European Variation Archive (EVA) at the EMBL-EBI under accession number PRJEB31315 (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/eva/?eva-study=PRJEB31315). The RNA-seq FPKM data have been deposited at figshare (https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7306364.v1).
这个 https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ega/studies/EGAS00001004006 数据集来源于2019年11月文章《Genomic and immune profiling of pre-invasive lung adenocarcinoma》,链接是:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-13460-3,数据确实非常多:Whole-exome sequencing coupled with RNA-seq of preinvasive (n=98) and invasive (n=99) lung adenocarcinoma samples. 但是并没有公开多少数据,所以很难被同行用起来,相当于是数据孤岛吧!
- We performed whole-exome sequencing (WES) and RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) on tumor and matched adjacent normal tissue of 24 AIS, 74 MIA, and 99 invasive LUAD samples (Supplementary Table 1), obtained from patients who underwent surgery at Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center (FUSCC).
- We identified eight significantly mutated genes in AIS and MIA specimens, including EGFR, RBM10, BRAF, ERBB2, TP53, KRAS, MAP2K1, and MET, all previously reported as recurrently mutated in LUAD from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) cohort . EGFR, TP53, RB1, and KRAS were significantly mutated in the tested LUAD cases (Fig. 1a, b).