任何一个新技术,在蓬勃发展的过程中肯定是少不了大量的测评研究,从技术细节,平台, 软件工具算法多个维度的对比探索。
发表于 Epigenetics . 2016; 链接 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26786415/,文章标题是:《Comparison of Methyl-capture Sequencing vs. Infinium 450K methylation array for methylome analysis in clinical samples》,随着 甲基化技术的深入人心, epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) 时代到来了,但是临床上的EWAS研究要求成本可控,而且样品DNA起始量低,但是红极一时的450K芯片不尽人意,所以研究者们想试试看Methyl-Capture Sequencing (MC Seq) 能否替代450K。
甲基化技术里面,whole-genome bisulfite conversion (WGBS) 是金标准,但是价格昂贵,数据处理消耗计算资源,而Reduced- representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) 和Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation Sequencing (MeDIP-Seq),都是片面的,只有 MC Seq 克服了它们其它这些技术的缺点:
- lower genome coverage (Infinium 450K),
- high cost and processing time (WGBS),
- overrepre- sentation of repeated (RRBS)
- methylated regions (MeDIP- Seq).
主要是采用 SureSelect Human Methyl-Seq panel (Agilent Technologies) 这个平台做 Methyl-Capture Sequencing (MC Seq) ,纳入7个样品 :
可以从以下5个点来比较 (MC Seq vs. Infinium 450K) 是否值得被选用做EWAS研究 :
- (i) desired genomic coverage (MC Seq has higher density of CpGs, and hence higher coverage of variable sites);
- (ii) expected inter-group differences in methylation or sensitivity desired (Infinium 450K has higher sensitivity for subtle variations in methylome);
- (iii) cost (Infinium 450K has lower cost)
- (iv) coverage of methylation sites in non-CpG context (MC Seq has a higher capacity).
- The fifth factor for consideration is whether an investigator wishes to customize and specify methylation sites of interest, which can be only done through bait design in MC Seq.
- Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChips (Illumina Inc., CA, USA)
- SureSelect Human Methyl-Seq panel (Agilent Technologies)
甲基化测序的 WGBS和RRBS,还有 芯片是最高频的甲基化技术,其中甲基化芯片数据处理我是有视频课程的,首先需要阅读我在生信技能树的甲基化系列教程,目录如下:
- 01-甲基化的一些基础知识.pdf
- 02-甲基化芯片的一般分析流程.pdf
- 03-甲基化芯片数据下载的多种技巧.pdf
- 04-甲基化芯片数据下载如何读入到R里面.pdf
- 05-甲基化芯片数据的一些质控指标.pdf
- 06-甲基化信号值矩阵差异分析哪家强.pdf
- 07-甲基化芯片信号值矩阵差异分析的标准代码.pdf
- 08-TCGA数据库的各个癌症甲基化芯片数据重新分析.pdf
- 09-TCGA数据库的癌症甲基化芯片数据重分析.pdf
- 10-TCGA数据辅助甲基化区域的功能研究.pdf
- 11-按基因在染色体上的顺序画差异甲基化热图.pdf
- 850K甲基化芯片数据的分析.pdf
- 使用DSS包多种方式检验差异甲基化信号区域.pdf
然后就可以看我在B站免费分享的视频课程《甲基化芯片(450K或者850K)数据处理 》