1. Metabolism
2. Genetic Information Processing
3. Environmental Information Processing
4. Cellular Processes
5. Organismal Systems
6. Human Diseases
7. Drug Development
5.1 Immune system
6.6 Immune disease
详见kegg数据库的官网 :https://www.genome.jp/kegg/pathway.html
这么多免疫特征通路,那么里面的基因就肯定是不少了。另外一个比较出名的是LM22基因集,是CIBERSORT软件配套的,它是2015年在Nature Methods发表的一个方法,工具在: (http://cibersort.stanford.edu).,再比如2021年7月发表在《Briefings in Bioinformatics》的文章《Clinical significance and immunogenomic landscape analyses of the immune cell signature based prognostic model for patients with breast cancer》参考了大量文献,提出来了:The 184 immune cell signatures were collected from diverse resources through an extensive literature search on the website:
- 25 signatures were obtained from the work of Bindea et al. [26],
- 68 signatures were obtained from the work of Wolf et al. [27],
- 17 signatures were downloaded from the ImmPort database [28],
- 24 T cell signatures were downloaded from the work of Miao et al. [29]
- 22, 10 and 10 signatures were obtained from CIBERSORT [16], MCP-Counter (R package, version 1.1) [30] and ImSig (R package, version 1.0.0) [31], respectively.
More detailed information is listed in the supplementary material and Supplementary Table S1–Supplementary Table S4.
如果你感兴趣这些基因集,可以自己去阅读文献拿到Supplementary Table S4,然后针对这些通路去任意单细胞转录组数据集里面打分,肯定不会是这些免疫基因集仅仅是在免疫相关细胞亚群有活性。
通常情况下,单细胞水平很多基因是有单细胞亚群特异性的, 这些基因就被我们称作是特异性的高表达量的亚群标记基因。同理,如果有一些通路或者转录因子有某个亚群特异性,也是标志性事件啦。但是如果通路足够多,涉及到的基因也足够多,就基本上不可能全部的有排他性了。
其实文章提到的是: epithelial–immune dual feature of malignant cells
来源于中山大学肿瘤防治中心的曾木圣课题组在Cell Research (2020) 发表的鼻咽癌的单细胞研究,文章标题是:《Single-cell transcriptomic analysis defines the interplay between tumor cells, viral infection, and the microenvironment in nasopharyngeal carcinoma》,文章的一个重要的观点是:
- The epithelial–immune dual feature of tumor cells in NPC is mainly characterized by the expression of IFN response genes.
其中图a是方法学描述,取NPC16这个病人的恶性的肿瘤单细胞进行NMF分析拿到里面的特征基因集,发现确实是有很多免疫相关的通路,而且是在图c得到了实验验证 :
- a ,Heatmap showing gene expression programs deciphered from a representative tumor (NPC16) using NMF.
- b ,Pearson correlation clustering of 50 intra-tumor expression programs. The dot size is proportional to the absolute value of the correlation.
- c ,The gradient of immunohistochemical staining of HLA-DRB1 in NPC tumors
比如2023年9月28日的CELL文章: 《Spatiotemporal insight into early pregnancy governed by immune-featured stromal cells》提到了:a dual-featured type of immune-featured DSCs (iDSCs).
这里面的 降维聚类分群涉及到的单细胞亚群非常多:
- P, placenta
- YS, yolk sac
- E, embryo
- NK cell, natural killer cell
- DC, dendritic cell
- M4, macrophage
- uEC, uterine endothelial cell
- SMC, smooth muscle cell
- Fetal EC, fetal endothelial cell
- Blood P., blood progenitor
- MSC, mesenchymal stem cell
- PSC, placental stromal cell
- VE, visceral endoderm
- DSC, decidual stromal cell
- Ery., erythrocyte
- Epi., epithelial cell
- LQ, low quality
- iDSC, immune-featured decidual stromal cell
- TGC, trophoblast giant cell
- TBPC, trophoblast progenitor cell
- SpT, spongiotrophoblast
- EPC, ectoplacental cone.
重点是第二层次降维聚类分群里面的 decidual stromal cell和免疫细胞的亚群,如下所示:
其中可以看到,免疫细胞亚群细分的时候有一个iDSC, immune-featured decidual stromal cell,而且在文章的figure4 继续强调了,如下所示:
而且从右图的打分(Violin plots showing DSC and immune cell marker gene enrichment in iDSCs)也可以看到,其实这一群细胞(iDSC)更加的具有DSC特征,跟免疫细胞相比。
- immune (CD45+,PTPRC),
- epithelial/cancer (EpCAM+,EPCAM),
- stromal (CD10+,MME,fibo or CD31+,PECAM1,endo)
参考我前面介绍过 CNS图表复现08—肿瘤单细胞数据第一次分群通用规则,这3大单细胞亚群构成了肿瘤免疫微环境的复杂。