
看到了首都医科大学的北京积水潭医院的一个2024的单细胞数据挖掘文章,标题是:《Single-cell RNA sequencing and transcriptomic analysis reveal the critical signatures involved in nonhealing diabetic foot ulcers》:

  • The single-cell data file GSE165816, which includes a sample dataset of 22 DFU cases
  • bulk表达量队列用来构建诊断模型:The training set consisted of the GSE134431 dataset, and the GSE143735 dataset was utilised as the testing set.
  • Five key genes were identified: TXN , PHLD A2 , RPLP1 , M T1G , and SDC4 .
    可以看到,这个时候已经是有了 M1 macrophages, natural killer T (NKT) cells, plasma cells 这样的单细胞亚群:
    作者的第一层次降维聚类分群后的12个亚群被命名为10个生物学功能群:smooth muscle cells (SMCs), fibroblasts, endothelial cells, basalKera cells, M1 macrophages, natural killer T (NKT) cells, plasma cells, cycling cells, lymphatic endothelial cells, and mast cells
    如果我们下载GSE165816这个单细胞转录组数据集自己做一次降维聚类分群,很容易看到上面的M1 macrophages, natural killer T (NKT) cells, plasma cells 这样的单细胞亚群,应该是重命名为 髓系免疫细胞亚群,t和b主要的淋巴系免疫细胞亚群。如下所示:
    而且也可以看这个GSE165816 单细胞转录组数据集的原文,是2021的NC杂志的文章:《Single cell transcriptomic landscape of diabetic foot ulcers》,确实是很细致了,把 髓系免疫细胞亚群,t和b主要的淋巴系免疫细胞亚群都细分出来了,比如髓系免疫细胞亚群 就有巨噬细胞和单核单细胞,其中单核细胞还有cd14和cd16的细分。然后t淋巴细胞里面有nk和nkt,b淋巴细胞里面有plasma,如下所示:

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