
看到了预印本出来了一个测评文章;《Comparative Analysis of Commercial Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Technologies》重要的是3个链接:





  • For each of the 10x kits, CellRanger version 7.1.0 was used. The 10x 3’ and 5’ kitsrequired the subcommand count and 10x FRP required the subcommand multi.
  • For Fluent,PIPseeker version 2.1 was used.
  • For BD, Rhapsody version 2.0 was used.
  • For Honeycomb,BeeNet version 1.1.3 was used.
  • For Parse, split-pipe version 1.1.1 was used.
  • For Scale,ScaleRna version 1.3.3 was used.
  • For Singleron, CeleSCOPE version 1.17.0 was used with thesubcommand multi_rna.
  • For Scipio, Cytonaut version 7 was used.

The human reference(Ensembl 98/GENCODE v32) from 10x Genomics (refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A) was used For alignment and feature quantification.



BD_1 39.31 Gb
BD_2 48.47 Gb
10X_3p_1 7.97 Gb
10X_3p_2 16.67 Gb
10X_5p_1 19.86 Gb
10X_5p_2 11.67 Gb
10X_FRP_1 26.23 Gb
10X_FRP_2 17.11 Gb
Fluent_1 9.67 Gb
Fluent_1 37.63 Gb 
Fluent_3 20.10 Gb
Honeycomb_1 9.43 Gb
Honeycomb_2 8.96 Gb
Parse_1 8.97 Gb
Scale_1 14.36 Gb
Scipio_1 8.76 Gb
Scipio_2 5.50 Gb
Singleron_1 73.70 Gb
Singleron_2 77.15 Gb

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