- RNA-seq这十年(3万字长文综述)
- RNA-seq的counts值,RPM, RPKM, FPKM, TPM 的异同
- 表达矩阵的归一化和标准化,去除极端值,异常值
- 箱线图的生物学含义
- 转录组表达矩阵为什么需要主成分分析以及怎么做
- limma/voom,edgeR,DESeq2分析注意事项,差异分析表达矩阵与分组信息
- 从UCSC的XENA数据库里面下载TCGA-BRCA 的counts值矩阵
- 从UCSC的XENA数据库里面下载TCGA-BRCA 的亚型信息
- 使用 limma or edgeR 对下载的counts值矩阵根据亚型信息进行差异分析
- 差异分析结果做火山图
- 差异分析结果做logFC的散点图
- 差异分析结果做UpSet图
DEA analyses of TCGA-BRCA data comparing luminal subtypes with normal samples. A-B) Volcano plots are shown where only those genes with logFC higher than 6 or lower than-6 are labelled and only the significant up-or down-regulated genes are shown as dots.
We carried out DEA using the limma (A) or edgeR pipelines (B) of TCGAbiolinks. C) The correlation plot between the logFC estimated by the two pipelines for the top 500 DE genes is shown. The genes discussed in the main text are highlighted in bold. D) The intersect between all the DE genes estimated by the two pipelines is shown using UpSet. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006701.g003
HTML | R Script | 1. Introduction |
HTML | R Script | 10. TCGAbiolinks_Extension |
HTML | R Script | 2. Searching GDC database |
HTML | R Script | 3. Downloading and preparing files for analysis |
HTML | R Script | 4. Clinical data |
HTML | R Script | 5. Mutation data |
HTML | R Script | 6. Compilation of TCGA molecular subtypes |
HTML | R Script | 7. Analyzing and visualizing TCGA data |
HTML | R Script | 8. Case Studies |
HTML | R Script | 9. Graphical User Interface (GUI) |