




 [1] "hgu133plus2"              "hgu133plus2.db"           "hgu133plus2_dbconn"
 [4] "hgu133plus2_dbfile"       "hgu133plus2_dbInfo"       "hgu133plus2_dbschema"
 [7] "hgu133plus2ACCNUM"        "hgu133plus2ALIAS2PROBE"   "hgu133plus2CHR"
[10] "hgu133plus2CHRLENGTHS"    "hgu133plus2CHRLOC"        "hgu133plus2CHRLOCEND"
[13] "hgu133plus2ENSEMBL"       "hgu133plus2ENSEMBL2PROBE" "hgu133plus2ENTREZID"
[16] "hgu133plus2ENZYME"        "hgu133plus2ENZYME2PROBE"  "hgu133plus2GENENAME"
[19] "hgu133plus2GO"            "hgu133plus2GO2ALLPROBES"  "hgu133plus2GO2PROBE"
[22] "hgu133plus2MAP"           "hgu133plus2MAPCOUNTS"     "hgu133plus2OMIM"
[25] "hgu133plus2ORGANISM"      "hgu133plus2ORGPKG"        "hgu133plus2PATH"
[28] "hgu133plus2PATH2PROBE"    "hgu133plus2PFAM"          "hgu133plus2PMID"
[31] "hgu133plus2PMID2PROBE"    "hgu133plus2PROSITE"       "hgu133plus2REFSEQ"
[34] "hgu133plus2SYMBOL"        "hgu133plus2UNIGENE"       "hgu133plus2UNIPROT"


x <- hgu133plus2SYMBOL


我们查看X对象,可知,它是object of class "ProbeAnnDbMap",而这个对象,就是常见的list对象,被包装了一下, 只有我们明白了它和list对象到底有什么区别,才算是真正搞懂了这一系列包



R 的 列表(list)是一个以对象的有序集合构成的对象。 列表中包含的对象又称为它的分量(components)。

分量可以是不同的模式或者类型, 如一个列表可以包括数值向量,逻辑向量,矩阵,复向量, 字符数组,函数等等


分量常常会被编号的(numbered),并且可以利用它来 访问分量

列表的分量可以被命名,这种情况下 可以通过名字访问。

特别要注意一下 Lst[[1]] 和 Lst[1] 的差别。 [[...]] 是用来选择单个 元素的操作符,而 [...] 是一个更为一般 的下标操作符。

因此前者得到的是列表 Lst 中的第一个对象, 并且含有分量名字的命名列表(named list)中分量的名字会被排除在外的。

后者得到的则是列表 Lst 中仅仅由第一个元素 构成的子列表。如果是命名列表, 分量名字会传给子列表的。





mapped_probes <- mappedkeys(x)


那么,如果我们想根据以下探针ID来查看它们在这些数据里面被对应着哪些基因symbol 呢?

> PID2 #这是一串探针ID,后面的操作都需要用的

[1] "1053_at"   "117_at"    "121_at"    "1255_g_at" "1316_at"   "1320_at"


accnum <- mget(PID2, env=hgu133plus2ACCNUM);

gname <- mget(PID2, env=hgu133plus2GENENAME)

gsymbol <- mget(PID2, env=hgu133plus2SYMBOL)





>  length(mapped_probes)

[1] 42125

> length(names(xlist))

[1] 54675




SYMBOL <- AnnotationDbi::as.list(hgu133plus2SYMBOL)



x <- hgu133plus2SYMBOL

mapped_probes <- mappedkeys(x)

SYMBOL <- AnnotationDbi::as.list(x[mapped_probes])



The setNames() built-in function makes it easy to create a hash from given key and value lists.(Thanks to Nick K for the better suggestion.)

Usage: hh <- setNames(as.list(values), keys)


players <- c("bob", "tom", "tim", "tony", "tiny", "hubert", "herbert")
rankings <- c(0.2027, 0.2187, 0.0378, 0.3334, 0.0161, 0.0555, 0.1357)
league <- setNames(as.list(rankings), players)



经常会有人问这样的问题I have list of 10,000 Entrez IDs and i want to convert the multiple Entrez IDs into the respective gene names. Could someone suggest me the way to do this?等等类似的基因转换,能做的基因转换的方法非常多,以前不懂编程的时候,都是用各种网站,而最常用的就是ensembl的biomart了,它支持的ID非常多,高达几百种,好多ID我到现在都不知道是什么意思。

现在学会编程了,我比较喜欢的是R的一些包,是bioconductor系列,一般来说,其中有biomart,org.Hs.eg.db,annotate,等等。关于biomart我就不再讲了,我前面的博客至少有七八篇都提到了它。本次我们讲讲简单的, 我就以把gene entrez ID转换为gene symbol 为例子把。


if("org.Hs.eg.db" %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R");biocLite("org.Hs.eg.db")}
suppressMessages(library(org.Hs.eg.db))  我比较喜欢这样加载包

library(annotate) #一般都是这样加载包

如果是用org.Hs.eg.db包,首先你只需要读取你的待转换ID文件,构造成一个向量,tmp,然后只需要symbols <- org.Hs.egSYMBOL[as.character(tmp)]就可以得到结果了,返回的symbols是一个对象,需要用toTable这个函数变成数据框。但是这样转换容易出一些问题,比如如果你的输入数据tmp,里面含有一些无法转换的gene entrez ID,就会报错。



如果是用annotate包,首先你还是需要读取你的待转换ID文件,构造成一个向量,tmp,然后用getSYMBOL(as.character(tmp), data='org.Hs.eg')这样直接就返回的还是以向量,只是在原来向量的基础上面加上了names属性。说明书:http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/3.3/bioc/manuals/annotate/man/annotate.pdf


1 A1BG
2 A2M
3 A2MP1
9 NAT1
10 NAT2


platformDB <- paste(eset.mas5@annotation, ".db", sep="") #这里需要确定你用的是什么芯片
cat("the annotation is ",platformDB,"\n")
if(platformDB %in% rownames(installed.packages()) == FALSE) {source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R");tmp=try(biocLite(platformDB))}
library(platformDB, character.only=TRUE)
probeset <- featureNames(eset.mas5)
rowMeans <- rowMeans(exprSet)

library(annotate) # lookUp函数是属于annotate这个包的
EGID <- as.numeric(lookUp(probeset, platformDB, "ENTREZID"))



理论上我前面提到的GEOquery包就可以根据一个GSE索引号来获取NCBI提供的所有关于这个GSE索引号的数据了,包括metadata,表达矩阵,soft文件,还有raw data



if(!file.exists('GEOmetadb.sqlite')) getSQLiteFile()
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(),'GEOmetadb.sqlite')
用这个代码就会成功了,需要自己下载GEOmetadb.sqlite文件然后放在指定目录:/path/GEOmetadb.sqlite 需要自己修改



wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/chromosomes/chrX.fa.gz;

wget http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/chromosomes/chrY.fa.gz;

152M Mar 21  2009 chrX.fa

58M Mar 21  2009 chrY.fa


bwa index chrX.fa

[bwa_index] Pack FASTA... 1.97 sec

[bwa_index] Construct BWT for the packed sequence...

[BWTIncCreate] textLength=310541120, availableWord=33850812

[BWTIncConstructFromPacked] 10 iterations done. 55838672 characters processed.

[BWTIncConstructFromPacked] 20 iterations done. 103157920 characters processed.

[BWTIncConstructFromPacked] 30 iterations done. 145211344 characters processed.

[BWTIncConstructFromPacked] 40 iterations done. 182584528 characters processed.

[BWTIncConstructFromPacked] 50 iterations done. 215797872 characters processed.

[BWTIncConstructFromPacked] 60 iterations done. 245313968 characters processed.

[BWTIncConstructFromPacked] 70 iterations done. 271543920 characters processed.

[BWTIncConstructFromPacked] 80 iterations done. 294853104 characters processed.

[bwt_gen] Finished constructing BWT in 88 iterations.

[bwa_index] 98.58 seconds elapse.

[bwa_index] Update BWT... 0.96 sec

[bwa_index] Pack forward-only FASTA... 0.91 sec

[bwa_index] Construct SA from BWT and Occ... 33.18 sec

[main] Version: 0.7.8-r455

[main] CMD: /lrlhps/apps/bioinfo/bwa/bwa-0.7.8/bwa index chrX.fa

[main] Real time: 141.623 sec; CPU: 135.605 sec



209M Oct 28 10:19 read1.fa

209M Oct 28 10:19 read2.fa




$chrY.=uc $_;
open FH_L,">read1.fa";
open FH_R,">read2.fa";
foreach (1..4){
for ($i=600;$i<(length($chrY)-600);$i = $i+50+int(rand(10))){
$up = substr($chrY,$i,100);
next unless $up=~/[ATCG]/;
next unless $down=~/[ATCG]/;
$down=reverse $down;
print FH_L ">read_$j/1\n";
print FH_L "$up\n";
print FH_R ">read_$j/2\n";
print FH_R "$down\n";
close FH_L;
close FH_R;

然后用bwa mem 来比对

bwa mem -t 12 -M chrX.fa read*.fa >read.sam


[main] Version: 0.7.8-r455

[main] CMD: /apps/bioinfo/bwa/bwa-0.7.8/bwa mem -t 12 -M chrX.fa read1.fa read2.fa

[main] Real time: 136.641 sec; CPU: 1525.360 sec

643M Oct 28 10:24 read.sam


samtools view -bS read.sam >read.bam

158M Oct 28 10:26 read.bam

samtools flagstat read.bam

3801483 + 0 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads)

0 + 0 duplicates

2153410 + 0 mapped (56.65%:-nan%)

3801483 + 0 paired in sequencing

1900666 + 0 read1

1900817 + 0 read2

645876 + 0 properly paired (16.99%:-nan%)

1780930 + 0 with itself and mate mapped

372480 + 0 singletons (9.80%:-nan%)

0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr

0 + 0 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5)










我这里重点推荐一个工具集,它实现了很多生物信息学需要的常用操作,网址是:Bioinformatics Tools
"Combines multiple FASTA entries into a single sequence."
"Returns the entire sequence contained in an EMBL file in FASTA format."
"Parses the feature table of an EMBL file and returns the feature sequences."
"Parses the feature table of an EMBL file and returns the protein translations."
"Removes non-DNA characters from text."
"Removes non-protein characters from text."
"Returns the entire sequence contained in a GenBank file in FASTA format."
"Parses the feature table of a GenBank file and returns the feature sequences."
"Parses the feature table of a GenBank file and returns the protein translations."
"Converts single letter amino acid codes to three letter codes."
"Reads a list of positions and ranges and returns those parts of a DNA sequence."
"Reads a list of positions and ranges and returns those parts of a protein sequence."
"Determines the reverse-complement, reverse, or complement of the sequence you enter."
"Separates bases according to codon position."
"Converts a FASTA sequence into multiple sequences."
"Converts three letter amino acid codes to one letter codes."
"Returns DNA sequence segments specified by a position and window size."
"Returns protein sequence segments specified by a position and window size."
"Plots codon frequency (according to the codon table you enter) for each codon in a DNA sequence."
"Returns a standard codon usage table."
"Returns a list of potential CpG islands."
"Calculates the molecular weight of DNA sequences."
"Returns positions of the patterns you enter."
"Returns basic sequence statistics."
"Returns sequences that are identical or similar to a query sequence."
"Returns sequences that are identical or similar to a query sequence."
"Accepts aligned sequences in FASTA format and calculates the identity and similarity of each sequence pair."
"Can be used to predict a DNA sequence in another species using a protein sequence alignment."
"Finds DNA sequences that can easily be converted to a restriction site."
"Determines the positions of open reading frames."
"Returns the optimal global alignment for two coding DNA sequences."
"Returns the optimal global alignment for two DNA sequences."
"Returns the optimal global alignment for two protein sequences."
"Returns a report describing PCR primer properties"
"Generates PCR products from a template and two primer sequences."
"Returns the grand average of hydropathy value of protein sequences."
"Returns the predicted isoelectric point of protein sequences."
"Calculates the molecular weight of protein sequences."
"Returns positions of the patterns you enter."
"Returns basic sequence statistics."
"Converts the sequence you enter into restriction fragments."
"Returns the number and positions of restriction sites."
"Can be used to convert protein into DNA."
"Returns the translation in the reading frame you specify."
"Colors a sequence alignment based on sequence conservation."
"Colors a protein alignment based on biochemical properties of residues."
"Numbers and groups DNA according to your specifications."
"Numbers and groups amino acids according to your specifications."
"Shows PCR primer annealing sites, translations, and restriction sites."
"Shows restriction sites and protein translations."
"Shows protein translations."
"Introduces random mutations into DNA sequences."
"Introduces random mutations into protein sequences."
"Generates a random coding sequence of the length you specify."
"Generates a random DNA sequence of the length you specify."
"Replaces regions of the DNA sequences you enter with random bases."
"Generates a random protein sequence of the length you specify."
"Replaces regions of the protein sequences you enter with random residues."
"Samples bases from a DNA sequence with replacement."
"Samples residues from a protein sequence with replacement."
"Randomly shuffles the DNA sequences you enter."
"Randomly shuffles the protein sequences you enter."
"IUPAC codes for DNA and protein."
"The genetic codes used in the Sequence Manipulation Suite."
不信你可以看看这个github里面托管的代码:trinityrnaseq/util/misc at master · trinityrnaseq/trinityrnaseq · GitHub
首先,你可以去图书馆看一堆书籍,它们都会有光盘,下载既有视频又有源码,或者书上一般会说源码在哪里下载,比如这个pleac/include/perl at master · pleac/pleac · GitHub
然后,你可以找一大堆的生物信息学软件,它们一般都托管在github上面,这个链接里面有三百多个生物信息学转录组领域的软件:List of RNA-Seq bioinformatics tools
分享了所有的代码,实在是太方便了:Ensembl Project · GitHub
可以跟着这些代码学习编程:Ensembl/ensembl-pipeline · GitHub
它的官网的帮助文档也特别详细:Help & Documentation











> x<-c(97,93,85,74,32,100,99,67)

> sort(x)

[1]  32  67  74  85  93  97  99 100

> order(x)

[1] 5 8 4 3 2 1 7 6

> rank(x)

[1] 6 5 4 3 1 8 7 2

> x[order(x)]

[1]  32  67  74  85  93  97  99 100


dat[order(dat[,1]),] 以该数据框的第一列进行排序

dat[order(dat[,1],dat[,2]),] 以该数据框的第一列为主要次序,第二列为次要序列进行排序



在R里面除了简单的对两个向量求交集并集补集之外,比较重要的就是match和 %in% 了,需要重点讲讲。


> A<-1:10

> B<-seq(5,15,2)

> C<-1:5

> #求A和B的并集

> union(A,B)

[1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 13 15

> #求A和B的交集

> intersect(A,B)

[1] 5 7 9

> #求A-B

> setdiff(A,B)

[1]  1  2  3  4  6  8 10

> #求B-A

> setdiff(B,A)

[1] 11 13 15

> #检验集合A,B是否相同

> setequal(A,B)


> #检验元素12是否属于集合C

> is.element(12,C)


> #检验集合A是否包含C

> all(C%in%A)

[1] TRUE

> all(C%in%B)

从上面可以看到%in%这个操作符只返回逻辑向量TRUE 或者FALSE,而且返回值应该与%in%这个操作符前面的向量程度相等。也就是说它相当于遍历了C里面的一个个元素,判断它们是否在B中出现过,然后返回是或者否即可。



[1]  5  7  9 11 13 15


[1] 1 2 3 4 5


[1] NA NA NA NA  1





其中melt函数是把很宽的数据拉长,它就是需要指定几列数据是保证不被融合的, 其余每一列数据都必须被融合到一列了,融合后的这一列数据每个元素旁边就用列名来标记该数据来自于哪一列。

# example of melt function
mdata <- melt(mydata, id=c("id","time"))


id time variable value
1 1 x1 5
1 2 x1 3
2 1 x1 6
2 2 x1 2
1 1 x2 6
1 2 x2 5
2 1 x2 1
2 2 x2 4



# cast the melted data
# cast(data, formula, function)
subjmeans <- cast(mdata, id~variable, mean)
timemeans <- cast(mdata, time~variable, mean)



id x1 x2
1 4 5.5
2 4 2.5


time x1 x2
1 5.5 3.5
2 2.5 4.5









如果要实现类似sql里面的inner join 功能,则用代码

m1 <- merge(authors, books, by.x = "surname", by.y = "name")

如果要实现left join功能则用代码

m1 <- merge(authors, books, by.x = "surname", by.y = "name",all.x=TRUE)

right join功能代码

m1 <- merge(authors, books, by.x = "surname", by.y = "name",all.y=TRUE)

all join功能代码

m1 <- merge(authors, books, by.x = "surname", by.y = "name",all=TRUE)


x <- data.frame(k1 = c(NA,NA,3,4,5), k2 = c(1,NA,NA,4,5), data = 1:5)

y <- data.frame(k1 = c(NA,2,NA,4,5), k2 = c(NA,NA,3,4,5), data = 1:5)

匹配代码如下merge(x, y, by = c("k1","k2"))  #inner join




merge(authors, books, by=1:2)

merge(authors, books, by.x=c("FirstName", "LastName"),

by.y=c("AuthorFirstName", "AuthorLastName"),




A[with(A, paste(C1, C2, sep = "\r")) %in% with(B, paste(C1, C2, sep="\r")), ]














但是对我们的差异分析不方便,所以我们只分析哪些有对应了entrez ID的探针,而且对每个entrez ID,我们只需要挑选它表达量最高的那个探针。
> esetDataTable[1:10,c(7,8)]
EGID rowMeans
1000_at 5595 1840.04259751826
1001_at 7075 799.075414422572
1002_f_at 1557 50.4884096416177
1003_s_at 643 142.372008051308
1004_at 643 211.65300963049
1005_at 1843 4281.29318032004
1006_at 4319 38.5784289213085
1007_s_at NA 1489.98158531843
1008_f_at 5610 4013.576753977
1009_at 3094 3070.50648167305


类似于这句SQL语句:SELECT max(a.rowMeans) as val, a.EGID FROM test.esetDataTable a group by a.EGID



mysql> select row_names,EGID,rowMeans from esetDataTable order by EGID limit 10;
| row_names | EGID | rowMeans |
| 38912_at | 10 | 85.8820246154773 |
| 41654_at | 100 | 301.720067595558 |
| 907_at | 100 | 273.100008206028 |
| 2053_at | 1000 | 354.207060199715 |
| 2054_g_at | 1000 | 33.8472900312781 |
| 40781_at | 10000 | 425.007640082848 |
| 35430_at | 10001 | 152.885791914329 |
| 35431_g_at | 10001 | 181.915087187117 |
| 35432_at | 10001 | 184.869017764782 |
| 31366_at | 10002 | 44.9716205901791 |
10 rows in set (0.05 sec)

select b.*
from test.esetDataTable b
inner join (
SELECT max(a.rowMeans) as val, a.EGID FROM test.esetDataTable a group by a.EGID
) as c on b.EGID=c.EGID and b.rowMeans=c.val
结果是:8640 rows in set (4.56 sec) 看起来mysql还没有R语言快速,但是这个mysql语句很明显也不是很高效,但是我的mysql水平有限。
稍微解释一下这个mysql语句,其中SELECT max(a.rowMeans) as val, a.EGID FROM test.esetDataTable a group by a.EGID类似于R里面的match_row=aggregate(dat,by=list(dat[,1]),max),就是把每个entrez ID对应着的最大值提取出来成一个新的表
而inner join on b.EGID=c.EGID and b.rowMeans=c.val 就是我们的tmp_prob=merge(dat,match_row,by=c("EGID","rowMeans")) 根据两列来合并两个数据框



Dr Petra EichelsdoerferFebruary 17, 2014 at 11:17 AM

My university lacked the funds to support me while applying for my first grant after my post-doc. So I was unable to re-write it after its first rejection. Although it was heartbreaking to walk away, I had a family to support. This was nearly four years ago. How many others have had to make the same decision I have? What will be the long-term consequences?

我们大学也是资金紧张,所以我直到博士后出站才拿到资金的第一笔科研基金。大约四年前把,当我第一次被基金会拒绝后,我实在难以鼓起勇气再次申请基金。尽管我必须去申请,因为我还得养家糊口。会有多少人曾与我经历过同样的处境呢,又有多少人与我一样做了同样的选择呢? Continue reading




Lenny TeytelmanFebruary 15, 2014 at 7:53 AM

The reason I did not want to publish this - a single voice is invariably dismissed. So, I want to assemble in a central place as many essays like this from students, postdocs, and professors. The funding crisis will not be addressed until the severity of it is acknowledged and NIH, politicians, and scientists are alarmed enough. Please e-mail me your stories to lenny at zappylab dot com (whether new or published elsewhere). I will put together a site aggregating all of them.


BioluminessaFebruary 17, 2014 at 10:55 AM

Hi Lenny. Thank you for sharing your perspective! Here is another to add to your collection of essays. I wrote this piece the other day coming to similar conclusions. http://bioluminate.blogspot.com/2014/02/the-seven-stages-of-grief-for-academic.html


sheiselsewhereFebruary 25, 2014 at 11:54 AM

I often get told that I shouldn't be so negative and that things will get better. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to wait. Here is my contribution.



Dregev21February 28, 2014 at 2:13 PM

Wow, thank you for posting this! I have gone through a very similar situation and have also decided to quit pursuing this dream. I was a 4th year PhD student at the University of Florida (where I had already had to change labs since my first mentor moved to UAB) and my project was going nowhere fast. I also started seeing academia for what it has become; an industry of cheap labor and false hopes. But like you, I stayed in it for as long as I could because of my love for science, learning and teaching. I quit and got out with a MS degree this past November and I am very happy with my decision. I began working as a research coordinator at UF, making more money and like you felt liberated and free from the constant stress of graduate work and research. I believe most students come in to graduate scholl for the same reasons, but it has become so disheartening and scary, that it didn't seem worth it to me anymore. I think it is important for current students to know and understand that there are other things to do in life that are more fruitfull, less stressful and just as intelectually stimulating and rewarding. In any case, thank you for sharing!


Travels with Moby March 1, 2014 at 12:58 PM

Good Luck to you. I made this choice for many similar reasons about 6 years ago. But I was a college professor at a small college. You have aptly described the scenario. Even without the added stress of the grant machine, the choices that we are forces to make that divorce ourselves from family, friends to pursue this academic dream are incredibly costly. What I did find after a year in industry, is that I was not alone, I met former academics in industry and elsewhere that have expressed the same concerns. I wish you the best, and you are not alone.


Kevin ZelnioMarch 3, 2014 at 8:51 AM

Good luck! Life is better outside academia lol. I left 2 phds (got my masters after first one) and a decade long research career with 12 and then a 5+ year science communication career, left the country and started a microbrewery in Sweden. My skills as a scientist have been instrumental in my new profession as a beer maker (serious lab and sanitation skills here!) and a business person (improved and more diverse funding sources! AKA investors and people who drink BEER - which is like everybody). I cried a lot, I won't lie. Almost wrecked my marriage and the stress turned me into a horrible father for a while. Its just not a sustainable career for some types of people. Which is a shame, because the career is selecting for the same type of people and missing out on a diversity of life styles which could most likely benefit the scientific community in a number of ways. Here was my story: http://deepseanews.com/2013/02/19294/


UnknownMarch 3, 2014 at 2:10 PM

I don't see why I should view your departure as
a bad sign for the life sciences. As an engineer,
we celebrate when our students graduate, go
start a company or join an existing one, and
create products that make the world a better
place. Or, go work at a national laboratory,
the FCC, a non-profit, or any of the other types of
jobs where engineers make a contribution.


Lenny TeytelmanMarch 3, 2014 at 2:26 PM

First of all, it is terrific that you are supportive of graduate students who go on to be productive outside of academia! Unfortunately, in life sciences, you often lose support of your mentor the second you say that you do not plan to be a tenure track professor.
Second, and most importantly - the reason our departures and anxieties are cause for concern - being a professor, in the current funding climate, requires a level of sacrifice for science that fewer and fewer of the most talented and brightest scientists will make. Our taxpayers spend an extraordinary amount funding research. If the best scientists leave academia, research will suffer. Training of the future scientists will suffer. Science, inside and outside of academia will suffer.



gregMarch 3, 2014 at 3:07 PM

Your story collection is a great idea. I hope you'll keep the sources of the site open? I bet a lot of people would like to contribute to making that project stand out - I would certainly be helping out.

Thanks a ton for your blog post. Your last point about leaving your wife if she'd treated you as badly as science does is awesome. I'm just coming to the realization that you seem to already have: the notion that "If you can see yourself possibly loving any profession as much as you love science, you're not cut out for science" is unhealthy - it's a mark of the sort of brainwashing that academia does to you.

Best wishes on your future path.



Jessica WilsonMarch 6, 2014 at 11:43 AM

This is fantastic writing, despite the sadness. I sympathize (finishing PhD in neuroscience, considering heading out).

I'd love to try and make a video with some of the stories you've accumulated. I'm already looking through that Google Doc you posted right now, and my heart is breaking.


我很乐意为你收集的这些故事拍一个video,我也看完了你在google doc里面所表达的观点,实在是太震撼了。

CBMarch 12, 2014 at 6:09 PM

Really great stuff. I have reread this post a dozen times over the past couple weeks, as I am a postdoc currently on the precipice of throwing in the towel on my academic career. I find the last sentence particularly meaningful. I can't shake the feeling that giving up on this career that I have been laser-focused on for ten years feels an awful lot like a traumatic breakup. But the simple truth is exactly as you described, academic science simply doesn't respect its professionals nearly enough for the best of us to stick around.

Ugh, breakups suck!


Michael RuddyMarch 14, 2014 at 1:55 PM

How appropriate for a Valentine post ... if you do not love everything about what you are doing – move on until you find it!


Nick EffordFebruary 15, 2014 at 8:53 AM

I sympathise and wish you a successful and fulfilling future, wherever that takes you. The pressures in UK academia are much the same, as is the relatively low pay. We've seen our pay fall 13% taking into account inflation over the last 5 or 6 years, and universities refuse to offer a decent pay increase despite increasing their income from students and despite the fact that they are sitting on huge cash reserves. My own institution would rather spend £50 million on new buildings than reward its staff for their dedication.

Like you and countless others, I'm reluctant to leave a job that can be very exciting and stimulating. But the truth is that the stress levels make it increasingly unsustainable. There is constant pressure to write papers and secure research funding and simultaneous pressure to improve teaching quality, but there is a failure to recognise that time is a finite resource, so one activity must inevitably be traded off against the other.

I don't expect to receive the same remuneration as I would in industry, but I do need one of two things to happen: either working conditions need to improve or the pay needs to improve to reflect the real pressures of the job. I've sacrificed too many evenings and weekends over the years, and that has had a negative impact on personal physical and mental health as well as family relationships. If something doesn't give soon, I could well end up following you out of academia.

The trade union for academics in the UK is currently locked in a bitter pay dispute with the universities. You can find out more about it at http://fairpay.web.ucu.org.uk/

Good luck!










Michael Eisen,我的联合导师之一,他毕业于伯克利大学,最近在博客中写道:这是一个做科学研究非常好的时代,但对科学家来说确实一个非常烂的时代。几个月前,我与我的另一个联合导师Jasper Rine讨论了NIH研究基金会的资助风波。Jasper说道:除非NIH立刻醒悟,基金的管理方式需要重要的改变,否则,我们这一代的科学家命运将非常坎坷。而我就是这些命运坎坷的科学家的一员,所以我出局了。

2001年 我大学毕业之后,我拒绝了一个高薪的程序员职位。相反,我选择了在著名的冷泉港实验室做生物信息学,尽管薪水要低很多。我个人是非常兴奋能有这个机会用各 种计算技术来做生物学研究的。两年后,我如愿以偿的进入了该领域的研究生队伍,方向是分子生物学,与此同时,我的薪水在接下来的六年间都只有刚开始的一半 了。而在MIT做博士后的期间,我的薪水也没能回到十年前我作为一个初级程序员的时候,尽管那时的我技能欠佳,也没有什么拿得出手的专业领域知识。在商业领域中,个人报酬也当与他掌握的技能以及知识水平相当,但是,在学术领域,它们二者之间的关联度大打折扣。


早在我还是 一名研究生的时候,我就意识到了追求学术生涯的种种弊端。我接受了微博的薪水,忍受了换学校单位的不稳定性以及教授们那近乎疯狂的工作量。我也接受了变幻 莫测的天气,在熬过来了十多年的研究生和博士后的日子,我本可以顺理成章的拿到教职。我甚至也能接受,在追寻着光荣而神圣的目标的过程中,五年后有可能会 被拒绝,从而不得不再次搬迁去另一个学校再寻找教职。我也能想象到,即使拿到了教职,我也不得不投入我的全部身心来为我的课题组争取研究基金。我能看到所 有的一切我将为我追求所爱而付出的代价。


在青少年时 期,我就一直认为工作应该像度过周末一样愉快,而我也一直痴迷于此。在过去的十二年中,我一直试图在学术领域寻找这一点,而且认为只有学术这一条路能达到 这一点。幸运的是,一年前,我与一个生命科学家合作开发一个开放的,实时更新的中央资料库,我非常享受开发过程的每一个步骤,而且我也很确定,在公司也能 得到在科学界能得到的那种全心全意投入的感觉。

我现在还不 确定科学家们是否会用到我们所创造的产品,也不知道我在公司能否就有充足资金来追寻我的梦想。一个星期前的辞职,我的确是冒了很大的风险。风险是很大,但 这并不是疯狂的行为。真正疯狂的是按部就班的执着于学术圈。我可以这样说,通过这一年的创造各种科学性的产品,我比以前更接近于教授了。

我也明白, 很多读者都会认为我是一种吃不到葡萄就说葡萄酸的心态,或者认为我对学术的渴望并不是想象中的那么强烈,我真的企图是变得富有。如果这也是你所认为的,那 么你其实是抱着要科学家什么都不去想,只安心的做一个简简单单的教授的想法。我的确是热爱过我所从事的研究教学工作,我也好想念那些美好的日子,尽管想起 来很受伤。但我也爱我的妻子,如果她像学术界对待科学家那样对待我,我早就离开她了。



Goodbye Academia

I have enjoyed research and teaching for the last twelve years. Yet, I have resigned from my postdoctoral position at MIT a week ago, giving up on the dream of an academic position. I feel liberated and happy, and this is a very bad sign for the future of life sciences in the United States.

Michael Eisen, my co-advisor from graduate school at Berkeley recently wrote that it is a great time to do science but a terrible time to be a scientist. A few months ago I was discussing with my other co-adviser Jasper Rine the crisis in NIH research funding awards (better known as "lottery"). Jasper said that unless NIH wakes up and there is a major restructuring, we will lose an entire generation of scientists. I am a member of this generation, and I am out.

In 2001, about to graduate from college, I turned down a programming position at a hedge fund. Instead, I chose to do bioinformatics at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for a much lower salary. I was excited about the possibilities of doing biological research using computational tools. Two years later, I enthusiastically entered graduate school in molecular biology, with my salary dropping by half for the next six years. As a postdoctoral researcher at MIT, I am not even back to earning what I did ten years ago as a junior programmer with no skills or domain-specific knowledge. In a commercial setting, my compensation would have kept pace with my knowledge and skills, but in academia, there seems to be a complete decoupling of the two.

Luckily, my wife has always been supportive of my passion for science and balanced my foolhardiness with a practical job as a physician’s assistant since 2006. She is well compensated, allowing us to pay off our loans and afford the monthly expenses in Cambridge. With a daughter in daycare and another child due in a month, we would certainly be in a better financial shape with me as a stay-at-home dad than a postdoctoral scientist at MIT.

Science has also meant wrenching moves across the country. In 2003, we moved to California for me to begin my graduate studies. We both love New York, and my wife was devastated to leave her family and friends. In 2009, after many tearful discussions, she agreed to move to Boston from California for my postdoc. The next move for a professor position would surely require moving to yet another new place in the country.

As a graduate student, I was well aware of all of the negatives of an academic career. I accepted the miniscule pay, the inability to choose where to live, and the insane workloads of professors. I accepted the uncertainty of whether, after 10-12 years as a graduate student and postdoc, I would actually get a job as a professor. I accepted that even after attaining this lofty goal, five years later, I could be denied tenure and would have to move to another university or go into industry. I accepted that even with tenure, I would have to worry my entire life about securing research funding for the lab. I saw all of these as the price to pay for doing something that I love.

However, one aspect of being a professor has been terrifying me for over five years now – the uncertainty of getting funding from NIH. No let me rephrase that. What is terrifying is the near-certainty that any grant I submit would be rejected. I have been waiting for the funding situation to improve, but it seems to only be getting worse. I personally know about ten scientists who have become professors in the last 3-4 years. Not a single one of them has been able to get a grant proposal funded; just rejection, after rejection, after rejection. One of these is a brilliant young professor who has applied for grants thirteen times and has been rejected consistently, despite glowing reviews and high marks for innovation. She is on the brink of losing her lab as her startup funds are running out and the prospect of this has literally led to sleepless nights and the need for sleeping pills. How can this not terrify me?

I have been obsessed since my teens with the idea that work should be something one desires to come back to after a weekend. For the last twelve years, being an academic was the only path I saw toward this. Fortunately, a year ago, I co-founded a startup to create an open, up-to-date, central protocol repository for life scientists. I have enjoyed every step of getting ZappyLab going, and I am certain that the company will give me the feeling that I still get from science - wanting to go into work every day.

I don’t know yet if scientists will use what we are building. I don’t know if we will be able to raise the capital needed to build what I dream of building. By resigning from my postdoc a week ago, I have done something very risky. Risky, but not crazy. What seems crazy is aiming to stay in the academic track. I say this despite having had the most scientifically productive year of my life; I am closer to getting a professorship than ever before.

I realize that many will dismiss my story as a tale of sour grapes, or say that my desire is not strong enough or my primary motivation is to get rich. If that is your position, you are simply hoping that future scientists will be unable to love anything other than being a professor. I do love research and teaching with every fiber of my being. I will miss them and it will hurt. But I also love my wife, and if she had treated me the way academia treats its scientists, I would have left her long ago.



能看到这个网站真的是一个意外,现在看来,还是外国人比较认真呀, 这份软件清单,能看出作者的确是花了大力气的,满满的都是诚意。from: https://en.wiki2.org/wiki/List_of_RNA-Seq_bioinformatics_tools

    1 Quality control and pre-processing data
        1.1 Quality control and filtering data
        1.2 Detection of chimeric reads
        1.3 Errors Correction
        1.4 Pre-processing data
    2 Alignment Tools
        2.1 Short (Unspliced) aligners
        2.2 Spliced aligners
            2.2.1 Aligners based on known splice junctions (annotation-guided aligners)
            2.2.2 De novo Splice Aligners
       De novo Splice Aligners that also use annotation optionally
       Other Spliced Aligners
    3 Normalization, Quantitative analysis and Differential Expression
        3.1 Multi-tool solutions
    4 Workbench (analysis pipeline / integrated solutions)
        4.1 Commercial Solutions
        4.2 Open (free) Source Solutions
    5 Alternative Splicing Analysis
        5.1 General Tools
        5.2 Intron Retention Analysis
    6 Bias Correction
    7 Fusion genes/chimeras/translocation finders/structural variations
    8 Copy Number Variation identification
    9 RNA-Seq simulators
    10 Transcriptome assemblers
        10.1 Genome-Guided assemblers
        10.2 Genome-Independent (de novo) assemblers
            10.2.1 Assembly evaluation tools
    11 Co-expression networks
    12 miRNA prediction
    13 Visualization tools
    14 Functional, Network & Pathway Analysis Tools
    15 Further annotation tools for RNA-Seq data
    16 RNA-Seq Databases
    17 Webinars and Presentations
    18 References




感觉最近接触的生物信息学知识越多,越对大数据时代的到来更有同感了。现在的研究者,其实很多都可以自己在家里做了,大量的数据基本都是公开的, 但是一个人闭门造车成就真的有限,与他人交流的思想碰撞还是蛮重要的。

而且,数据收集者还给出了一个snp calling的标准流程
SNP Pipeline Commands

1. Index the reference genome using bwa index

   /software/bwa-0.7.10/bwa index /reference/japonica/reference.fa

2. Align the paired reads to reference genome using bwa mem. 
   Note: Specify the number of threads or processes to use using the -t parameter. The possible number of threads depends on the machine where the command will run.

   /software/bwa-0.7.10/bwa mem -M -t 8 /reference/japonica/reference.fa /reads/filename_1.fq.gz /reads/filename_2.fq.gz > /output/filename.sam

3. Sort SAM file and output as BAM file

   java -Xmx8g -jar /software/picard-tools-1.119/SortSam.jar INPUT=/output/filename.sam OUTPUT=/output/filename.sorted.bam VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT CREATE_INDEX=TRUE

4. Fix mate information

   java -Xmx8g -jar /software/picard-tools-1.119/FixMateInformation.jar INPUT=/output/filename.sorted.bam OUTPUT=/output/filename.fxmt.bam SO=coordinate VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT CREATE_INDEX=TRUE

5. Mark duplicate reads

   java -Xmx8g -jar /software/picard-tools-1.119/MarkDuplicates.jar INPUT=/output/filename.fxmt.bam OUTPUT=/output/filename.mkdup.bam METRICS_FILE=/output/filename.metrics VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT CREATE_INDEX=TRUE MAX_FILE_HANDLES_FOR_READ_ENDS_MAP=1000

6. Add or replace read groups

   java -Xmx8g -jar /software/picard-tools-1.119/AddOrReplaceReadGroups.jar INPUT=/output/filename.mkdup.bam OUTPUT=/output/filename.addrep.bam RGID=readname PL=Illumina SM=readname CN=BGI VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT SO=coordinate CREATE_INDEX=TRUE

7. Create index and dictionary for reference genome

   /software/samtools-1.0/samtools faidx /reference/japonica/reference.fa
   java -Xmx8g -jar /software/picard-tools-1.119/CreateSequenceDictionary.jar REFERENCE=/reference/japonica/reference.fa OUTPUT=/reference/reference.dict

8. Realign Target 

   java -Xmx8g -jar /software/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.2-2/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator -I /output/filename.addrep.bam -R /reference/japonica/reference.fa -o /output/filename.intervals -fixMisencodedQuals -nt 8

9. Indel Realigner

   java -Xmx8g -jar /software/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.2-2/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T IndelRealigner -fixMisencodedQuals -I /output/filename.addrep.bam -R /reference/japonica/reference.fa -targetIntervals /output/filename.intervals -o /output/filename.realn.bam 

10. Merge individual BAM files if there are multiple read pairs per sample

   /software/samtools-1.0/samtools merge /output/filename.merged.bam /output/*.realn.bam

11. Call SNPs using Unified Genotyper

   java -Xmx8g -jar /software/GenomeAnalysisTK-3.2-2/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T UnifiedGenotyper -R /reference/japonica/reference.fa -I /output/filename.merged.bam -o filename.merged.vcf -glm BOTH -mbq 20 --genotyping_mode DISCOVERY -out_mode EMIT_ALL_SITES


无意中看到了这个网站,比wiki的还有全面和专业。搜集了现有还算比较出名的比对软件,并且列出来了,还做了简单评价,里面对比对工具的收集,主要是基于2012年的一个综述《Tools for mapping high-throughput sequencing data》,相信应该是有不少人都看过这篇综述的,其实生物信息初学者应该自己去文献数据库找点感兴趣的关键词的综述多看看,广泛涉猎总没有坏处的。

<img src="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/~nf/hts_mappers/mappers_timeline.jpeg" alt="Mappers Timeline" width="800">

Features Comparison

The following Table enables a comparison of mappers based on different characteristics. The table can be sorted by column (just click on the column name). The data was collected from different sources and in some cases was provided by the developers. For execution times and memory requirements we refer to the above mentioned review (supplementary data is available here).

The Data column indicates if the mapper is specifically tailored for DNA, RNA, miRNA, or bisulfite sequences.The Seq.Plat. column indicates if the mapper supports natively reads from a specific sequencing platform or not (N). The version column indicates the version of the mapper considered. Read length limits are showed in two columns: minimum read length (Min. RL) and maximum read length (Max. RL.). Unless otherwise stated the unit is base pairs. The support for mismatches and short indels is also presented including, when possible, the maximum number of allowed mismatches and indels: by default the value is presented in bases; in some cases the value is presented as a percentage of the read size; or as score, meaning that mapper uses a score function. The alignments reported column indicate the alignments reported when a read maps to multiple locations. The alignment column indicates if the reads are aligned end-to-end (Globally) or not (Locally). The Parallel column indicates if the mapper can be run in parallel and, if yes, how: using a shared-memory (SM) or/and a distributed memory (DM) computer. The QA (quality awareness) column indicates if the mapper uses read quality information during the mapping. The support for paired-end/mate-pair reads is indicated in the PE column. The Splicing column indicates, for the RNA mappers, if the detection of splice junctions is made de novo or/and through user provided libraries (Lib). The Index column indicates if the reads or/and the reference are indexed. The number of citations was obtained from Google Scholar on 13 June 2015.


这次要介绍一个非常实用的工具,很多时候,我们有一个染色体编号已经染色体起始终止为止,我们想知道这段序列是什么样的碱基。当然我们一般用去UCSC的genome browser里面去查询,而且可以得到非常多的信息,多到正常人根本就无法完全理解。但是我如果仅仅是想要一段序列呢?
我这里介绍一个非常简单的方法,是基于perl的cgi编程,当然,不需要你编程了。人家UCSC已经写好了程序,你只需要把网页地址构造好即可,比如chr17:7676091,7676196 ,那么我只需要构造下面一个网页地址
hg38可以更换成hg19,dna?segment= 后面可以按照标准格式更换,既可以返回我们想要的序列了。
网页会返回 一个xml格式的信息,解析一下即可。
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<SEQUENCE id="chr17" start="7676091" stop="7676196" version="1.00">
<DNA length="106">
aggggccaggagggggctggtgcaggggccgccggtgtaggagctgctgg tgcaggggccacggggggagcagcctctggcattctgggagcttcatctg gacctg
很明显里面的aggggccaggagggggctggtgcaggggccgccggtgtaggagctgctgg tgcaggggccacggggggagcagcctctggcattctgggagcttcatctg gacctg 就是我们想要的序列啦。
See http://www.biodas.org for more info on DAS.
Try http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/das/dsn for a list of databases.
X-DAS-Version: DAS/0.95
X-DAS-Status: 200
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: X-DAS-Version X-DAS-Status X-DAS-Capabilities

UCSC DAS Server.
See http://www.biodas.org for more info on DAS.
Try http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/das/dsn for a list of databases.
See our DAS FAQ (http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQdownloads#download23)
for more information.  Alternatively, we also provide query capability
through our MySQL server; please see our FAQ for details

Note that DAS is an inefficient protocol which does not support
all types of annotation in our database.  We recommend you
access the UCSC database by downloading the tab-separated files in
the downloads section (http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/downloads.html)
or by using the Table Browser (http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables)
instead of DAS in most circumstances.



nature发表的统计学专题Statistics in biology


Statistics does not tell us whether we are right. It tells us the chances of being wrong.
Quality is often more important than quantity.
The meaning of error bars is often misinterpreted, as is the statistical significance of their overlap.
Good experimental designs mitigate experimental error and the impact of factors not under study.
Research methods: Know when your numbers are significant
Scientific method: Statistical errors
Weak statistical standards implicated in scientific irreproducibility
The fickle P value generates irreproducible results
Vital statistics
Experimental biology: Sometimes Bayesian statistics are better
A call for transparent reporting to optimize the predictive value of preclinical research
Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience
Basic statistical analysis in genetic case-control studies
Erroneous analyses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance
Analyzing 'omics data using hierarchical models
Advantages and pitfalls in the application of mixed-model association methods
Quality control and conduct of genome-wide association meta-analyses
Circular analysis in systems neuroscience: the dangers of double dipping
A solution to dependency: using multilevel analysis to accommodate nested data
How does multiple testing correction work?
What is Bayesian statistics?
What is a hidden Markov model?
Points of significance: Importance of being uncertain
Points of Significance: Error bars
Points of significance: Significance, P values and t-tests
Points of significance: Power and sample size
Points of Significance: Visualizing samples with box plots
Points of significance: Comparing samples €”part I
Points of significance: Comparing samples part II
Points of significance:  Nonparametric tests
Points of significance: Designing comparative experiments
Points of significance: Analysis of variance and blocking
Points of Significance:  Replication
Points of Significance:  Nested designs
Points of Significance: Two-factor designs
Points of significance: Sources of variation
Points of Significance: Split plot design
Points of Significance: Bayes' theorem
Points of significance: Bayesian statistics
Points of Significance: Sampling distributions and the bootstrap
Points of Significance: Bayesian networks
A study with low statistical power has a reduced chance of detecting a true effect, but it is less well appreciated that low power also reduces the likelihood that a statistically significant result reflects a true effect. Here, we show that the average statistical power of studies in the neurosciences is very low. The consequences of this include overestimates of effect size and low reproducibility of results. There are also ethical dimensions to this problem, as unreliable research is inefficient and wasteful. Improving reproducibility in neuroscience is a key priority and requires attention to well-established but often ignored methodological principles.


我一直都知道mysql其实很有用的, 哪怕是在bioinformatics领域。也断断续续的看过不少mysql教程,只是苦于没有机会应用。毕竟应用才是最好的学习方法,正好这些天需要用了,我就又梳理了一遍作为一个生物信息学学者,该如何学习mysql数据库。
我们不拿数据库来做网页,所以需要的仅仅是查询公共数据库的数据,当然,一般人都会选择直接去网页可视化的查询,或者去ftp批量下载后自己写脚本来查询,我以前也是这样想的,所以感觉mysql没什么用,因为它能做的, 我写一个脚本都能做到。但是任何事物能发展到如此流行的程度毕竟还是有它的优点的。
而在我看来,mysql的优点就是,不需要存储大量的文件信息,随查随用,如果我们想把数据库备份到本地,就要建立一大堆的文件夹,存放各种refgene信息呀,entrez gene信息呀,转录本,外显子等等各个文件夹,每个文件夹下面还有一堆文件,而且还要分物种存储,总之就是很麻烦,但是在数据库就不一样啦。
比如我们可以连接UCSC的数据库 (前提是你的机器里面可以允许mysql这个命令,而且你可以联网)
mysql --user=genome --host=genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu -A
就这么简单, 你就用mysql远程登录了UCSC的数据库,可以show databases;或者use database hg19 ; 等等

for example, I would cite:

UCSC http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQdownloads#download29
ENSEMBL http://uswest.ensembl.org/info/data/mysql.html
GO http://www.geneontology.org/GO.database.shtml#mirrors

1000 Genomes: since June 16, 2011: http://www.1000genomes.org/public-ensembl-mysql-instance

mysql -h mysql-db.1000genomes.org -u anonymous -P 4272

Flybase has direct access to its postgres chado database.
hostname: flybase.org port: 5432 username: flybase password: no password database name: flybase
e.g. psql -h flybase.org -U flybase flybase

mysql -h database.nencki-genomics.org -u public
mysql -h useastdb.ensembl.org -u anonymous -P 5306

然后我们可以用R或者perl或者Python来连接数据库,也是蛮好用的, 我现在比较倾向于R
#Connect to the MySQL server using the command:
#mysql --user=genome --host=genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu -A
#The -A flag is optional but is recommended for speed
#there are 203 databases,such as hg18,hg38,mm9,mm10,ce10
con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), host=my.host, user=my.user,dbname=my.db)
dbListTables(con) # there are 11016 tables in this hg19 database;



从这个来看,python要比perl 好很多http://www.personal.psu.edu/iua1/courses/files/2010/week15.pdf


这个数据库的作者在2011年发了一篇如何寻找融合基因的文章:*Edgren, Henrik, et al. "Identification of fusion genes in breast cancer by paired-end RNA-sequencing." Genome Biol 12.1 (2011): R6.


到目前为止他们处理了TCGA计划里面的7652个癌症样本的数据,建立了一个囊括28种癌症的融合基因数据集,并且打包成了一个叫做FusionSCOUT 的产品来出售。

Pricing of FusionSCOUT datasets:

  • Single gene in one cancer set                        490€    /  580$ per dataset
  • Single gene fusions across all cancers          4900€  /  5800$ dataset
  • Individual cancer set                                       990 €   /  1250 $ per dataset
  • Full TCGA dataset                                          9900€  /  12500$ per dataset

One of the latest therapeutics angles in the fight against cancer is fusion genes and their regulation. To aid in fusion gene research and reveal the multitude of gene fusion event in cancer samples MediSapiens has developed a proprietary FusionSCOUT pipeline for identifying fusion genes from RNA sequencing datasets.

Currently we have analysed 7625 tumour samples from the TCGA project building a fusion gene dataset covering 28 different cancers within the TCGA project which can be accessed through our FusionSCOUT product.

Using this pipeline, we have discovered 3930 samples with gene fusions with 9667 different fusion genes. We´ve discovered numerous novel gene fusions as well as new cancer types in which previously known fusions appear.

You can now purchase these gene fusions datasets with few mouse clicks and get the worlds most comprehensive gene fusions from cancer sets within days

FusionSCOUT cancer Reports

With FusionSCOUT you can access the full listings of all fusion genes in specific cancer datasets. Find new leads for possible cause of the cancer, examine the pathways that are affected by different fusions, stratify patients by shared fusion genes or search for potential target for drugs and companion diagnostics.

Once you purchase a FusionSCOUT dataset we will send you a detailed report with information on the fused genes, sample ID from the TCGA dataset, fusion frequencies across the dataset as well as fusion mRNA sequences and lists of protein domains present in the fusion transcripts.

By ordering the MediSapiens FusionSCOUT dataset, you´ll get:

  • A list of all gene fusions that involve your gene of interest, across all TCGA cancer types
  • TCGA sample ID: s of the for the samples with fusions
  • Exact exon junctions for the fusions, including alternatively spliced variants and data on whether reading frame is retained
  • Detailed list of protein domains retained in the fusion genes
  • cDNA sequence for the fusion mRNAs

Contact us to access the most up-to-date and comprehensive datasets of fusion gene events in different cancers!contact@medisapiens.com

Check out also our Fusion Gene Detection pipeline service for your samples!

Dataset missing? Email us and well add your favorite dataset to FusionSCOUT!

FusionSCOUT Cancer sets, March 2015

Cancer type Number of samples Number of fusion genes
Acute Myeloid Leukemia, LAML 153 69
Adrenocortical carcinoma, ACC 79 115
Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma, BLCA 273 473
Brain Lower Grade Glioma, LGG 467 309
Breast Invasive Carcinoma, BRCA 1029 3267
Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Endocervical Adenocarcinoma, CESC 195 190
Colon Adenocarcinoma, COAD 287 212
Glioblastoma multiforme, GBM 170 379
Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma, HNSC 412 386
Kidney Chromophobe, KICH 66 19
Kidney Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma, KIRC 523 217
Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma, KIRP 226 145
Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma, LIHC 198 317
Lung Adenocarcinoma, LUAD 456 991
Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma, LUSC 482 1374
Lymphoid Neoplasm Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma, DLBC 28 18
Mesothelioma, MESO 36 26
Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma, OV 420 1166
Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma, PAAD 84 46
Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma, PCPG 184 83
Prostate Adenocarcinoma, PRAD 336 859
Rectum Adenocarcinoma, READ 85 74
Sarcoma, SARC 161 799
Skin Cutaneous Melanoma, SKCM 355 620
Stomach Adenocarcinoma, STAD 190 311
Thyroid Carcinoma, THCA 506 195
Uterine Carcinosarcoma, UCS 57 229
Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma, UCEC 167 422


ASGH会议-Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics
AGBT会议-Advances in Genome Biology & Technology (AGBT)
ASM会议-annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology
ASHI会议-The American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics 
BOSC-生物信息开放会议:Bioinformatics Open Source Conference
ACMG会议-The ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting
annual Biology of Genomes (BoG) meeting at Cold Spring Harbor




The 23rd Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2015)
14th Annual European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB 2015)


The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is the oldest and largest single life science membership organization in the world. Membership has grown from 59 scientists in 1899 to more than 39,000 members today, with more than one third located outside the United States. The members represent all aspects of the microbial sciences including microbiology educators.

The mission of ASM is to promote and advance the microbial sciences.

ASM accomplishes this mission through a variety of products, services and activities.

  • We provide a platform for sharing the latest scientific discoveries through our books, journals, meetings and conferences.
  • We help strengthen sustainable health systems around the world though our laboratory capacity building and global engagement programs.
  • We advance careers through our professional development programs and certifications.
  • We train and inspire the next generation of scientists through our outreach and educational programs.

ASM members have a passion for the microbial sciences, a desire to connect with their colleagues and a drive to be involved with the profession. Whether it is publishing in an ASM Journal, attending an ASM meeting or volunteering on one of the Society's many boards and committees.

Big parts of our everyday lives, from energy production, waste recycling, new sources of food, new drug development and infectious diseases to environmental problems and industrial processes-are studied in the microbial sciences.

Microbiology boasts some of the most illustrious names in the history of science--Pasteur, Koch, Fleming, Leeuwenhoek, Lister, Jenner and Salk--and some of the greatest achievements for mankind. Within the 20th century, a third of all Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine have been awarded to microbiologists.



The ASHI 41st Annual Meeting site is now live, for the latest updates visit 2015.ashi-hla.org.
About ASHI

The American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (ASHI) is a not-for-profit association of clinical and research professionals including immunologists, geneticists, molecular biologists, transplant physicians and surgeons, pathologists and technologists. As a professional society involved in histocompatibility, immunogenetics and transplantation, ASHI is dedicated to advancing the science and application of histocompatibility and immunogenetics; providing a forum for the exchange of information; and advocating the highest standards of laboratory testing in the interest of optimal patient care.



The Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC) is an academic conference on open source programming in bioinformatics organised by the Open Bioinformatics Foundation. The conference has been held annually since 2000 and is run as a two-day satellite meeting preceding the Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) conference.

annual Biology of Genomes (BoG) meeting



The ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting provides genetics professionals with the opportunity to learn how genetics and genomics are being integrated into medical or clinical practice. The ACMG Annual Meeting Program Committee has developed a high caliber scientific program that will present the latest developments and research in clinical genetics and genomics




wget -c -r -np -k -L -p  -A.pdf --http-user=CS374-2011 --http-passwd=AlgorithmsInBiology http://ai.stanford.edu/~serafim/CS374_2011/papers/
--http-user=CS374-2011 --http-passwd=AlgorithmsInBiology
每一篇文献的单独地址是http://ai.stanford.edu/~serafim/CS374_2011/papers/Miscellaneous_topics/Self-assembly_of_DNA/self_healing_and_proofreading.pdf 类似的格式。
-c -r -np -k -L -p  -A.pdf
-c 断点续传
-r 递归下载,下载指定网页某一目录下(包括子目录)的所有文件
-nd 递归下载时不创建一层一层的目录,把所有的文件下载到当前目录(特殊要求会选择这个参数)
-np 递归下载时不搜索上层目录,如wget -c -r www.xxx.org/pub/path/
没有加参数-np,就会同时下载path的上一级目录pub下的其它文件 (所以一定要加上这个参数,不然会下载太多东西的)
-k 将绝对链接转为相对链接,下载整个站点后脱机浏览网页,最好加上这个参数
-L 递归时不进入其它主机,如wget -c -r www.xxx.org/
-p 下载网页所需的所有文件,如图片等
-A 指定要下载的文件样式列表,多个样式用逗号分隔
至于最后的--http-user=CS374-2011 --http-passwd=AlgorithmsInBiology 就是登录该课程网站需要的用户名和密码



Salary Band Minimum Midpoint Maximum
A $16,104 $23,748 $31,392
B $17,712 $26,124 $34,524
C $19,152 $28,728 $38,304
D $21,072 $31,620 $42,156
E $23,604 $35,400 $47,196
F $26,436 $39,660 $52,872
G $29,136 $44,412 $59,712
H $33,192 $50,616 $68,040
I $37,848 $57,696 $77,580
J $42,444 $65,772 $89,136
K $49,236 $76,308 $103,392
L $57,120 $88,524 $119,928
M $66,240 $102,672 $139,116
N $78,168 $121,152 $164,148
O $90,768 $142,968 $195,168
P $107,124 $168,696 $230,280
Q $126,396 $199,056 $271,728
R $151,668 $238,872 $326,088
A Bioinformatics Analyst position is available within the Bioinformatics Consulting Center at The Pennsylvania State University.
 The position is supported by the Huck Institutes for the Life Sciences and requires the candidate to work with multiple project investigators to design and implement computational pipelines for data produced by high throughput sequencing instruments and others, with particular emphasis on metagenomics and microbiome analyses.
 Responsibilities include the following: developing and/or maintaining existing software pipelines for analyzing high throughput sequencing data; identifying, evaluating and documenting new methodologies to support ongoing research needs; writing code and developing solutions to computational biology problems, with particular emphasis on microbiome and related samples. The Bioinformatics Analyst will become part of an interdisciplinary team composed of other bioinformatics staff, students and researchers and is expected to interact with other life scientists at Penn State and our international partner institutions in Africa and Asia to assist them with identifying research goals, analytical support needs, while carrying out computational data analysis as needed. It is anticipated that approximately 50% of your effort will initially be dedicated to providing bioinformatics support and microbiome analysis pipeline development for high-profile collaborative infectious disease surveillance research and training projects in Tanzania as well as other countries in East Africa and South Asia and may involve a limited amount of international travel (once per year). This job will be filled as a level 3, or level 4, depending upon the successful candidate's competencies, education, and experience. Typically requires a Master's degree or higher in a field of study with focus on computational research methods or higher plus four years of related experience, or an equivalent combination of education and experience for a level 3. Additional experience and/or education and competencies are required for higher level jobs. In-depth understanding of the computational analysis required for processing data from genomic technologies and their applications: Microbiome, metagenomics, RNA-Seq, genome assembly, genomic data visualization, or others. Expertise in handling and processing data in common bioinformatics formats; knowledge of available bioinformatics tools and genomic data repositories; proven track record of delivering bioinformatics solutions; demonstrated programming skills in one or more programming languages: Python, Perl, Java, C and/or numerical platforms: R, MATLAB, Mathematica. Experience handling large data sets generated from sequencing instruments. Excellent communication skills. This is a fixed-term appointment funded for one year from date of hire with excellent possibility of re-funding.